There are some who espouse the idea that climate change is here to stay and that there is nothing we can do about it (or should do about it). Interesting concept. We acknowledge defeat – or the unwillingness to fight – and just accept the unsavory consequences. Leave the Nazis alone – don’t get involved – it’s not our fight. So what if bad things happen? They are happening to someone else. So sad, so incredibly sad. Tell that to the millions, if not billions, of people who each year spend weeks if not months breathing the smoke from burning trees. Tell that to the parents of children with respiratory illnesses who can’t breathe. Tell that to the families who lost homes to floods. Tell that to people who can’t grow crops because the rains don’t come. Yes, you naysayers, sit in your ivory towers and say that burning fossil fuels without a care in the world is the right way to be. Downpressor man…where you gonna run to? Are you going to sit in your car while the torrent rages? You will have to. The rest of us are fighting for the survival of our species and all other species on Earth. We’re driving less and pressuring leaders to implement real and immediate measures to combat unchecked emissions of air pollutants. So, if you don’t want to do your share, you think the army is not going to lay waste to your town and devour your family, get out of the way. The blue soldiers are on the march. See the Blue – See the Truth