Donald Trump – Oilman?

What the…? This guy was a real estate developer and hotelier! Why is he now – since becoming the US President – so keen on defending fossil fuels polluters? The answer is in what we know. Trump is all about money. Trump is all about Trump. Therefore, there must be some monetary benefit to Trump in assuring that automobile mileage standards in the US are relaxed, coal companies can keep digging up the earth so power plants can keep spewing carbon into the air, natural gas companies can keep on pumping pollutants into the earth, and oil companies can keep pushing single-use plastic containers. Is this what he means by “Make America Great Again”? We need oil production because most of the machines in use today, including those operated by the US military, operate on refined oil. Oil isn’t going away anytime soon. But a responsible leader, a US president with the best interests of people foremost in mind, would be doing everything in his or her power to navigate us away from air and ocean pollutants. Trump isn’t that man. He is a spokesperson/lobbyist for Exxon. Automobile manufacturers didn’t want emissions standards rolled-back. That didn’t stop Trump. Why?? You know. The Western United States on fire – Trump gives the standard Republican line: “Poor forest management is to blame”! What will it take for that side of the aisle to go green? Who knows. All we as voters can do is get them the hell out of office as soon as possible.